1.to deal successfully with a person or problem that might prevent you from achieving your aim
1.Merge history allows this and makes things more convenient. The workaround is simply to use a label to mark the point of your last merge.
2.However, I have frequently wished for a workaround, some sort of simple "turn this exception into a run-time exception" command.
3.A user will tolerate only so much security-related (or other) overhead before he either dumps your product or figures out a workaround.
4.Note: In the remainder of this article, this workaround is referred to as the middleware proxy approach.
5.Class with a workaround message and a Boolean value indicating whether the obsolete element usage is considered an error.
6.My workaround is to coerce the code into believing it's running on a 720x400-pixel screen, which seems to work nicely.
7.In reality, though, that workaround would have barely changed the status quo and did not satisfy the EU.
8.Workaround: Ensure that HTTPS pages do not contain embedded references to resources addressed by the HTTP protocol.
9.We do not recommend these workaround but are providing this information so that you can implement these workarounds at your own discretion .
10.Of course, JSONP is a great help to workaround the cross-domain limitation and specifically when a server-side proxy cannot be used.